A quick overlook over some alternative appplications offering iOS homescreen and lockscreen widgets for Netatmo weather stations.
I’ve recently gotten around to repair and newly setup my Netatmo weather stations. While the app has gotten quite good in recent months, I don’t really like the native widgets that the stock app offers. The homescreen widgets can only either show the indoor or outdoor stations and no lockscren widgets are availabe (yet?).
As is often the case, though, there’s an app for that. I’ve discovered two different applications, that both offer quite nice widgets, allowing an overview over all your data that the stock widgets don’t.
Weather Status lets you see all the important data from your Netatmo Weather Station at a glance - on your iPhone and on the Apple Watch.
You’ll gain a quick overview of the current air situation in your rooms, especially if you have a lot of indoor modules.
Weather Status’ app is pretty basic, showing simple graphs with a overview over recent measurements. The same can be said about the widget, focusing on simply showing you up-to-date data points from your own weather system. There are all sizes of widgets for Homescreen and Lockscreen available.v

myatmo is an alternative iOS app for your netatmo weather station, with detailed charts and a user-friendly design, including Apple Watch App and Widgets. No other app for the netatmo weather station offers as much as myatmo.
Upgrade your netatmo weather station with myatmo and discover the variety and informational content of a plethora of metrics in beautiful, feature-rich and interactive charts. Not without reason many myatmo users call myatmo the ‘unofficial official’ app for netatmo weather stations!
Myatmo is significantly more powerful than Wetter Status. While the latter mostly focusses on offering great widgets and quick access to the data, myatmo tries to completely replace the official Netatmo app. Powerful graphs with a plethora of ways of accessing and interacting with your data can be overwhelming but might be welcome for some. The widgets, the focus of this post, are pretty useful and extensive as well. No matter if Homescreen or Lockscreen, you can add all the data Netatmo offers and you wish easily and a tad bit prettier than with Wetter Status.